BOLTON Farm shop plans for bungalow next to village pub approved
The Cherry Tree bungalow, on the same site as the pub of the same name on Chorley Road, Blackrod, now has permission to become a shop selling ‘produce sourced from local farmers’.
The bungalow is on the western boundary of the site, beyond which lies Dark Lane.
The farm shop is permitted to open seven days a week, from 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.
In a statement in support of the plans, applicants GLT Management stated: It is the intention to source local farmers produce to sell within the farm shop.
“Given that the peak trading times of the farm shop will be different from the peak trading times of the pub, it is anticipated that customers of the farm shop will use the car park for the Cherry Tree pub, located within the wider site.
“The proposal would create a new farm shop facility which would provide a significant contribution to the local economy through the re-use of an existing building.
“It is anticipated that produce would be sourced from nearby farmers and provide a location for the sale of local produce.â€
Although the site is located within the green belt the applicant successfully argued that the change of use would not impact on the openness of the area.
An officer report allowing the application, said: “It is considered that the proposed development would not constitute inappropriate development in the green belt as the design and materials are sympathetic to Cherry Tree bungalow and Cherry Tree public house and restaurant development and the proposed porch and extension to facilitate the refrigerator and freezer is considered to be proportionate to the original building and would therefore have limited visual impact on the openness of the green belt.â€
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