Everything we know about Florida shooting that saw US Marine break into homes and kill four including baby

Police have captured a former United States Marine Corps sharpshooter who allegedly broke into a pair of homes while high on methamphetamine in Tampa, Florida, and killed four people, including a three-month-old baby.

“Prior to this morning, this guy was a war hero. He fought for his country in Afghanistan and Iraq,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told reporters. “And this morning he’s a cold-blooded killer.”

The suspect, Bryan Riley, 33, had no apparent connection to the victims, but had become increasingly erratic in the weeks leading up to the shooting and told his girlfriend he was speaking directly to God.

Here’s what we know about the shooting:

What happened?

Early on Sunday morning, deputies in Lakeland, Florida heard gunfire and rushed to the scene. When they arrived, they found a truck in flames and a trail of glowsticks leading to a property.

There, they reportedly encountered Riley kitted out in camouflage clothing, before he fled inside a home, and officers reported hearing a “woman scream and a baby whimper.”

Officers and Riley exchanged “dozens if not hundreds” of rounds. A helicopter unit on the scene eventually alerted responders that Riley, now wearing full body armour, was exiting the home to surrender.

Unsure if Riley was the lone gunman or had laid traps inside the home, police sent in a remote control robot to clear the scene.

Once in custody, Riley, who had been shot during the encounter with officers, was taken to hospital, where police said he tried to take a gun from an officer, after which point he was tied down and medicated.

Who are the victims?

Four people were killed in the shooting, including a three-year-old baby, the child’s 33-year-old mother and 62-year-old grandmother, as well as a 40-year-old man named Justice Gleason. The family dog, Diogi, was also shot.

An 11-year-old girl was also shot multiple times and airlifted to Tampa General Hospital for surgery. She’s expected to survive, and was in stable condition on Monday.

Who is the shooter?

Riley served in the Marines for four years and was honourably discharged after a 2008 tour in Iraq, a 2009/2010 tour in Afghanistan, and three more years in the reserves. He confessed to being high on methamphetamines during the shooting, according to police.

Riley’s girlfriend told authorities he had PTSD and had been acting strangely, stockpiling $1,000 worth of cigars and saying after working security at a church the previous week that he could speak directly with God.

"We’re not dealing with a traditional criminal here,” sheriff Judd said. What we’re dealing with is someone who obviously had mental health issues at least this last week, had PTSD.”

Riley told officers he had committed the shooting “because I’m a sick guy,” and that he wants to “confess to all of it and be sent to jail,” according to police.

He was employed by a company called ESS Global Corporation working as security and a bodyguard, and has a concealed weapon’s licence and no criminal history. He also told deputies he was a “survivalist,” a subculture that prepares for a post-apocalypse.

What was his motive?

Riley lives in Brandon, Florida, 45 minutes away from the scene of the shooting, and has no apparent connection to the victims. He

“The big question that all of us has is, ‘Why?’” State Attorney Brian Haas told The Associated Press. “We will not know today or maybe ever.”

The day before the shooting, Riley showed up at the same house, telling those inside he was sent to stop someone named Amber from dying by suicide, even though no one named Amber lived there. Residents threatened to call the police and Riley fled.

What comes next?

Riley has been charged with four counts of first degree murder, as well as attempted murder, arson, armed burglary, and shooting into a building.

He has been appointed a public defender for legal representation, who did not respond to a request for comment from The Independent.

He appeared in court on Monday and is being held without bond pending a trial.

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