911 memorial news live World leaders pay tribute 20 years on from attacks as Joe Biden to visit sites

Watch live as Biden and Obama attend Ground Zero memorial marking 20th anniversary of 9/11

Joe Biden has called for a return to the spirit of “true national unity” that took hold in America in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks 20 years ago.

On Friday night he said that togetherness was seen in “heroism everywhere”, adding: “To me that's the central lesson of 11 September. Unity is our greatest strength.”

The US president is to visit the site of all three attacks today, in New York City and Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon. On Saturday morning world leaders including Queen Elizabeth II and Emmanuel Macron marked the occasion with solemn messages of support.

Washington has only just ended its involvement in one of the wars spawned by 9/11. Mr Biden withdrew American forces from Afghanistan last month as the native army the US had spent billions to equip and train collapsed, allowing the Taliban to retake power.

His unilateral decision caught allied nations on the hop and led to chaos in Kabul as thousands begged to be saved from the returning theocrats.

Meanwhile, people outside the US will reflect on a world changed forever by the hijackings which killed nearly 3,000 people two decades ago.

All-seeing government surveillance and other privacy infringements like full-body scanners at airports; the rise of Isis in the aftermath of the Iraq war; civilians slaughtered in anonymous drone strikes, including children; lawless “rendition” kidnappings of innocents and terrorists alike.

All this and more can be traced to the hours in which the globe stood aghast, watching smoke belch from the World Trade Centre before the towers’ horrifying collapse.

Show latest update 1631361654British 9/11 survivor: ‘I thought I was going to die'

A British survivor of the 9/11 attacks has recalled the day that she thought she was going to die in the World Trade Centre’s South Tower before escaping the building.

Janice Brooks worked for Euro Brokers on the 84th floor of the tower, and had just moved to New York from London weeks before the attack. Sixty-one of her colleagues did not survive.

She said in an interview with LBC radio: “Eventually all the windows were black. I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face.

“I went and sat on the sofa, curled up my legs, and [I] was rocking backwards and forwards ... and I was crying. And I thought I was going to die; the building is going to fall for sure.”

Lamiat Sabin11 September 2021 13:001631359991Sir Keir Starmer: 9/11 tragedy was ‘still so raw’

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer attended a private memorial service in the September 11 Memorial Garden in Grosvenor Square in London today.

He said the consequences of the attacks were “still being felt to this day”, adding the tragedy was “still so raw”.

Sir Keir said: “But as we mark this anniversary I’m convinced our resolve has never been stronger.

“We will continue to fight terror and violence, by promoting our values of justice and peace.”

In a tweet, he said that the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is a day to “remember” the 3,000 people who had died.

Lamiat Sabin11 September 2021 12:331631358854Opinion: It’s been 20 years since 9/11, yet the west is still cherry-picking policy on Islamist terrorism

It’s been 20 years since the September 11 attacks, and “Islamist terrorism” and the goal of countering it have become a useful framework for governments across the globe to justify foreign and domestic policies and serve geopolitical goals, especially in the context of the Middle East.

Governments around the world have found in the notion of Islamist terrorism a convenient way to present themselves as a force of good in the face of the “evil terrorists” â€" and sometimes to justify pragmatic yet problematic behaviour, writes Lina Khatib.

Lamiat Sabin11 September 2021 12:141631357594Ceremonies to mark 9/11 in UK

Delegates from the US embassy in the UK have attended the changing of the guard at Windsor Castle where a minute’s silence was held to mark 20 years since 9/11.

Acting ambassador Philip T Reeker was among those present.

The Ministry of Defence has released a video of the US national anthem being played at the event.

Jon Sharman11 September 2021 11:531631356994Voices: My firefighter fiancé dug people’s remains out the rubble after 9/11. His experience destroyed us

I met Mark* in the town we’d both grown up in during Thanksgiving in 2000. At the time, I’d just graduated from law school and my only goal was to become an attorney for children. “For once, follow your heart and not your mind,” my father said when I told him about my new love interest. “Do something for yourself. Don’t think about it â€" just do it.”

I moved to New York City, where Mark also lived, in April 2001, writes Dawn J Post.

It was only a few short months after I moved that I exited the subway near the Brooklyn promenade into eerie silence. The first plane had just hit the Towers across the water and I’d walked out into the immediate aftermath. The bright blue of the sky scarred by glittering glass was strangely beautiful as everyone stared up.

Jon Sharman11 September 2021 11:431631355856World leaders mark 9/11 anniversary with messages of support

World leaders including Emmanuel Macron and Queen Elizabeth have sent supportive messages to the US on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Mr Macron, the president of France, wrote on Twitter that his country will never forget the bombings, adding: “We will always fight for freedom.”

The Queen told Joe Biden that “my thoughts and prayers â€" and those of my family and the entire nation â€" remain with the victims, survivors and families affected, as well as the first responders and rescue workers called to duty”.

Moon Jae-in, of South Korea, said earlier today his nation would remain a staunch supporter of Washington, adding that “no violence can win against peace and inclusiveness”.

In a memorial video message, Boris Johnson said: “The fact that we are coming together today, in sorrow but also in faith and resolve, demonstrates the failure of terrorism and the strength of the bonds between us.”

Jon Sharman11 September 2021 11:241631355254Sneha Philip: The mystery of the woman who disappeared on 9/11

Twenty years have passed since Sneha Anne Philip was last seen alive in New York City.

Within that time, she’s been included, removed and readded to the official 9/11 victims list, accounts of her actions have been given and retracted, and even her official date of death has been changed. The descriptions of her life and character given by police and her family are so markedly different, they could be about two entirely separate people.

In other words, even after after two decades, the fate of Sneha Philip remains a complete mystery, writes Helen Elfer.

Jon Sharman11 September 2021 11:141631353394Watch live as New York commemorates 20th anniversary of 9/11 attacksWatch live as New York commemorates 20th anniversary of 9/11 attacks

New York is marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people with a commemorative ceremony in the city.US President Joe Biden has already made an appeal to the nation to reclaim the spirit of cooperation that sprung up in the days following the terror attacks that took place in New York, Virginia as well as a plane that was downed in Pennsylvania as he commemorates those who died in the nation’s worst terror attack on their soil.

Jon Sharman11 September 2021 10:431631352794Chris Evans criticises Donald Trump for commentating on boxing match on anniversary of attacks

Captain America star Chris Evans has criticised former president Donald Trump for recording boxing commentary on the anniversary of 9/11.

Today marks 20 years since the terrorist attacks on New York’s World Trade Centre took place.

Trump is set to provide commentary at an exhibition boxing event, which will see the returns of David Haye, 40, and Evander Holyfield, 58.

Jon Sharman11 September 2021 10:33163135165420 years of conflict and terror since 9/1120 years of conflict and terror since 9/11Jon Sharman11 September 2021 10:14

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