LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Biden has white flag ready
I am worried about the 10,000 Americans still in Afghanistan who could be murdered or used as hostages to blackmail the Biden administration. I am worried about the Afghan people; many will be tortured and murdered, especially the women.
I am also worried about Biden’s open-door policy to bring an untold number of unvetted Afghan refugees to the United States. How many will be Taliban or al Qaeda terrorists?
All of these things are very upsetting, but there are even bigger issues now coming to light. Red China is watching Biden and his incompetent advisers to see just how gutless they are. The fact that there are so many “woke†fools and liberal cowards advising the president will lead China to believe it can push us around and get away with it. The Chinese Communist Party has been waiting for a president they can bully or buy off so they can attack Taiwan with little fear of confrontation. In Biden, it has both.
There is also a time factor. As the audits from Arizona and other states come in (and it increasingly looks as though Biden and Harris might be removed), China might just make its move on Taiwan while Biden is still in office, precipitating a nuclear war.
Worst of all. I am worried that, if China is truly willing to turn this into a nuclear confrontation on Taiwan, Biden might just surrender. God help us all.
Paso Robles, Calif.
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