Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Mon, 26 Jul 2021 11:24:45 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232Omubaka Kakooza ayiseemu nga tavuganyiziddwa ku ky’omubaka wa Palimenti ya East Africa Mon, 26 Jul 2021 11:21:40 +0000 mu lukiiko lwe Ggwanga olukulu awatali kwesalamu balonze eyali omubaka wa Kabula mu Palimenti James Kakooza okukiikirira Uganda mu Lukiiko lwa East Africa.

Ono yagenda okudda mu kifo kya Hon. Mathias Kasamba eyafa gye buvuddeko, eyaliyo okuva mu mwaka gwa 2017.

Afunye obululu 183 obwababaka bonna ababadde mu palimenti etudde olwaleero, era nga teri muntu avuddeyo kumuvuganya yadde okuwakanya.

Kakooza yasooka kuyita ku banne ab’ekibiina kya NRM abamuwandako eddusu e Kololo gyebuvuddeko, ne basalawo abakwatire bendera mu kuvuganya okwali kugenda okubeerawo.

Kati ono akyalinayo omwaka n’okusoba nga akiikirira Uganda, nga mu mwaka gwa 2022 bagenda kuddamu okulonda ababaka abalala.

]]>Minister Kasaija: We couldn’t divert money meant to buy cars for MPs to procure Covid-19 vaccines Mon, 26 Jul 2021 09:37:29 +0000 minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Matia Kasaija has asked the public to stop blaming Members of Parliament for pocketing Shs200m each because the car money was in already in the 2021/2022 national budget.

During a news interview with CBS FM on Monday, Kasaija said that the argument by most Ugandans that it was not the right time for the government to give out money to MPs before procuring Covid-19 vaccines is totally wrong because the Ministry of Health received the vaccine money even before the legislators getting their car funds.

The minister said the public should instead ask the Health Ministry why it has delayed to procure the vaccines.

“We issue money depending on the need of those who put in their request. secondly this money was in the budget, likewise the money for procuring Covid-19 vaccines and even medical apparatuses. For whatever money the Ministry of Health requested concerning Covid-19 we gave it out, it was our first priority. I even made a supplementary budget for them. As they requested it that is how we gave it. Therefore, for the reasons why the vaccines are not available, the public should ask the Minister of Health but they should not blame MPs for receiving their money because it was in our budget. We budgeted for it and this budget was done during Covid-19,” Kasaija said.

“People should go and ask the Ministry of Health where the vaccines are because me as the minister of Finance I have said that we gave them money.”

Last week, the Director of Communications at Parliament, Chris Obore revealed that the Government had started remitting Shs200 million to each of the 529 legislators and the 26 ex-officio members of the 11th Parliament, to enable them to buy cars. This matter raised a lot of concerns from the public and some civil societies who alluded that all that money would have been appropriated to purchase vaccines and covid-19 gears in different hospitals.

Recently the Ministry of Finance revealed that as a way of enabling the government to raise funds to finance activities meant to help in the fight against Covid-19, a decision was made to compress budgets in some Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

]]>I rather walk to work! Besigye vows not to pay single penny to ‘dubious & bankrupt’ Russian company hired to monitor movements of Ugandans Mon, 26 Jul 2021 08:10:21 +0000 presidential candidate Dr Kizza Besigye has has said that he will not pay a single penny to the Russian company that was last week hired by the government of Uganda to install high tech tracking devices in all vehicles and motorcycles in Uganda. Ugandans are to meet the costs of the services offered by Joint Stock Global Security Company.

But since Sunday, government has been on spot for hiring a company without making due diligence after it was discovered that the tech firm had filed for bankruptcy last year.

And to Dr Besigye, he cannot pay for services being offered by a dubious company.

“Eeh!! I’ll not pay to this dubious & bankrupt company to monitor my movements!I’d rather WALK-2-WORK,” the former Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) president said in a Facebook post on Monday.

What we know so far about the firm:

Joint Stock Global Security Company registered as a small business of 10 employees in 2013 and the firm returns for last year were 637,742 russian rubles equivalent to USD8,000.

Joint Stock Company Global Security was sued by LLC “Rus Prom-Technologies”, another Russian company that wants it declared bankrupt. The case was filed in the Arbitration Court of City of Moscow on September 17th 2020 and accepted on October 20th 2021.

“On September 17, 2020, the Moscow Arbitration Court received an application from Rus-Prom-Technology on the recognition as insolvent (bankrupt) of JSC Global Security,” a ruling by the Arbitration Court of City of Moscow dated 20th October 2020 says. “Having considered the received application and the documents attached to it, the court considers them sufficient for the acceptance of the application for hearing.”

Though the case was accepted for hearing, the hearing sessions have been postponed several times as Global Security fight to pay the debt its owes Rus-Prom-Technology.

In another case filed in March 2019, Rus-Prom-Technology had sued Global Security for failure to pay 16.6 million rubles (Russia currency) which is about $220,000. Rus-Prom-Technology won the case.

After winning the case, Rus-Prom-Technology proceeded to file case in which it wants Global Security declared bankrupt. For Global Security to fight off bankruptcy, court has ordered it to pay Rus-Prom-Technology.

Global Security has also been sued by Limited Liability Partnership “Orken Alem” for a debt of 8.5 million rubles and Gu Main Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for failure to pay 10,000 rubles (about $135) and 455,00 rubles (about $600). All these cases were filed between 2019 and July 2021.

After eyeing a lucrative deal in Uganda, the company registered again on the 10th of this month as a Small Medium Enterprise (SME) in Russia. Meanwhile, the tech company doesn’t even own a digital website.

On Friday, Uganda signed a contract with Joint Stock Global Security Company to provide digital trackers to all vehicles in the country.

At a ceremony held at the Office of the President in Kampala, Waiswa Bageya the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Works and Transport and Yunus Kakande his counterpart in the office of the President signed on behalf of the government while Ivan Sukraban, the Chief Executive Officer of Joint Stock Company, a Russian digital security company signed on its behalf.

According to Kakande, the President instituted an inter-ministerial committee that for the last four months has been working on identifying and the right company to carry out the task.

Kakande said that President Yoweri Museveni directed that all vehicles and motorcycles be fitted with tracking devices to help deal with criminals who he said use vehicles and motorcycles to kill people and then disappear without a trace. Museveni made similar comments in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on the life of Gen Edward Katumba Wamala in June.

Kakande said that the Russian company is going to run the project for two years and recoup their investment and then hand it over to the government of Uganda to manage.

Speaking at the same ceremony, Maj Gen. Jim Muhwezi the Minister of Security who witnessed the signing of the contract assured the country that the only purpose for which the government is going to track vehicles is to deal with insecurity. He added that they have no intention of interfering in the privacy of citizens. When challenged on the law they are basing on Muhwezi said whatever they are doing was embraced by government technocrats like the Solicitor General.

He added that those who believe that the government is acting outside the law, have the right to challenge it in court.

On when the project is expected to start and how much money car and motorcycle owners are going to be paying, Muhwezi said the committee will be deciding on these details in the coming days.

“The investor is going to come on the ground to establish centres in the different parts of the country working with Luwero Industries to start and then the public will be informed when each vehicle will be called to be registered to get new number plates with monitoring systems.

The payment will also be communicated because always registration of vehicles is not free of charge; anybody who owns a vehicle will meet that charge,” Muhwezi said.

]]>JOSEPH M. MUMBE: 6 reasons why Only one Bible Verse says Christ stood in Heaven Mon, 26 Jul 2021 06:46:05 +0000 Bible is full of many amazing things and you may wonder why only one verse records Jesus standing at the throne in heaven. Acts 7:56“Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

Since Christ’s completion of his ministry on earth, his death, resurrection and ascension to heaven, the entire Bible, on each mention of Christ in heaven, records him seated on the right hand of the father in heaven except one verse. Why then did he stand in heaven as seen by Stephen alone?

First, the expression “at the right hand of God” implies the throne of God. A throne is chair of state which was occupied by a person of authority, whether a high priest, judge, governor or king as in Greek ‘thronos’. The occupant of the throne arrayed himself in royal robes each time he administered and received homage (Davis dictionary of the Bible, Pg. 822). The throne symbolizes supreme power and authority (Gen. 41:40) and this was usually attributed to Jehovah. Heavenly throne is a reserve of God alone (Christ is fully God cf. John 1:1).

Even in the natural, an honorable judge during a court session can only stand on emergency or at most on medical recommendation. When such is executed, the entire jury and all in court proceeding ought to be aware as such is preceded with an excuse. In the same way, Christ standing at the throne in heaven gives us a couple reasons.

Christ’s ascension to heaven is a continuation of his ministry of priesthood, where he has a session (seated) with God the father and will come a second time on earth as the appointed judge and reign as king. (Acts 10: 42)

Stephen, the first Christian martyr in the New Testament was facing his execution by the Sanhedrin Council when he saw the new posture of Christ in Heaven. The Bible records two instances when Stephen was full in spirit to make us believe authenticity of the statement:

  • In the first place, Stephen was in full faith at his appointment into the ministry as a deacon (Acts 6:5).
  • Secondly, he was full in Spirit at his execution testifying about the risen Christ, Lord and God as Jews stoned him ending his ministry (Acts 7:55).
  • I will give four implied reasons why Christ was standing at the throne in heaven different from the usual sitting as the rest of the scriptures say:

  • Fondness: As it is very natural for the parent to have affection with his own son, the lord identified with his own, being persecuted. Stephen publicly confessed the as Lord (Acts 7:59) he acknowledged christ in public and Christ too acknowledged him in heaven (LK. 12:8). He also emulated the true character of Christ when he forgave his killers (Lk. 23:54) as Jesus did. So, Christ showed affection to Stephen.
  • State of honor: Precious in the sight of Lord is the death of his saints (Psalm 116:15). Humanly, standing up can be a sign to honor or welcome one. So, Christ was welcoming the martyr- Stephen.  
  • Permission to heaven: Confessing Christ to death is a direct ticket to heaven and an act of grace to see through heaven with naked eyes and in bodily form. In the Old Covenant, no one would see God in His glory and live. Such glory would be seen through Angelic beings, fire or other manifestation but Stephen graciously saw full God in His glory.
  • Christ was rewarding Stephen- overcomer (I John 5:5) for his faithfulness: In Rev. 2:10, Christ promises to reward those who endure persecution to the end and also those who deny the pleasures of this world to receive many times as much not only in this age but also in the age to come â€" eternal life (Lk. 18:29-30).
  • Unlike you and I who may not undergo same situation like St. Stephen, the word of God is true in all times and all his promises are true and amen (2Cor. 1:20). Paul retorts that our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all (2Cor.4:17). For each one of us has altogether a different call, commission and God takes His own home in different ways but the Saviour stands to receive them as their intercessor and advocate (Mk. 8:38; Rom. 8:34). Continue witnessing.

    Joseph M. Mumbe

    About author: Theologian, teacher and Pastor

    ]]>Rukiga: 61 year old murdered over land Mon, 26 Jul 2021 06:16:08 +0000 in Rukiga district is investigating circumstances under which a 61 year old man was killed over land wrangle.

    The deceased, Mugwanya Kato Ibrahima resident of Kanyeganyega village, Kashakye parish, Kamwezi sub county in Rukiga district was hit on the head using a hoe.

    Preliminary investigations indicate that on the 19/7/2021 the deceased found four of his biological sisters tilling his land that was given to him by his late father and when he stopped them,they resisted.

    The sisters later picked a quarrel and he was hit by a hoe handle on the fore head that resulted into injuries.

    He was taken to Nyakihanga Church of Uganda Health Center II for treatment where he died on Sunday morning.

    According to the Kigezi regional police spokesperson Elly Maate, one arrest has been made and other three suspects are still at Large.

    ]]>Rukungiri: 10 year old boy kills father Mon, 26 Jul 2021 06:10:17 +0000 in Rukungiri is investigating circumstances under which a 10 year old child killed his father using a hoe.

    The deceased identified as Pius Tugumisirize,33, is a resident of Rwesigiro village Kikarara parish, Rukungiri district.

    It’s alleged that on Saturday at around 10pm the deceased developed a quarrel with the wife, a one Ruth Owakubariho aged 29 and as a result, the deceased hit her badly with a hoe on the head and bleed furiously.

    After the incident, Tugumisirize took off and hid himself in the park, not knowing that his 10 years old son had picked the same hoe he used to hit the mother and followed him ( the father).

    The son later met Tugumisirize hiding and hit him with a hoe which led to his death.

    Elly Maate,the Kigezi regional police spokesperson confirmed the development.

    “The son later went home, informed them of what he did to the father, they went picked and rushed him to a clinic in Kikarara where he died today morning.

    “As all this was happening, the woman went and reported a case of domestic violence not knowing the son had followed the father, ” Maate said.

    ]]>Museveni: Prof Mbonye’s death is a big disappointment for Uganda Mon, 26 Jul 2021 06:01:02 +0000 Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has eulogized Prof Anthony Kabanza Mbonye who died on Sunday from Kampala Hospital.

    Prof Mbonye, the former director-general health services at the Ministry of Health lost the battle to cancer.

    Through his official Twitter handle, Museveni described the death of Prof Mbonye as a big disappointment for the country and all those who knew his work in the medical service.

    “I want to express condolences to our incoming Head of Civil Service, Lucy Nakyobe on account of the death of her husband, Dr. Mbonye. His untimely death is a big disappointment for the country and all who know his work in the medical service. He still had a lot to contribute. I salute Lucy Nakyobe because she did everything possible to support him during the time of his sickness. She was always briefing me. May his soul rest in eternal peace.” Mr. Museveni tweeted yesterday.

    Prof Mbonye has been husband to former State House Comptroller and in-coming head of Public Service, Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye.

    Prof. Mbonye, who joined the public service in 1986 left the Ministry of Health as Director-General of Health Services, in 2018, after he opted for early retirement following serious disagreements among the top technocrats.

    Born in Rwenkobwa, Ibanda District, Western Uganda, and a graduate of Makerere University, The University of Copenhagen and The University of Liverpool, UK, Prof. Mbonye has authored numerous books in his medical career.

    ]]>Uganda Airlines to sign pacts with global carriers to boost revenue, connectivity Mon, 26 Jul 2021 05:48:56 +0000 a way of enhancing its connectivity and revenues, Uganda Airlines is set to enter into interline agreements with Emirates, Qatar Airways and KLM among others.

    Interline is an agreement between airlines that allows one airline to sell services to customer services that are provided by another airline. Airlines use interlines to sell routes that they would otherwise not be able to serve alone.

    Agreements between Uganda Airlines and Emirates will be a Unilateral one, whereby Emirates will sell Uganda Airlines operational routes.

    “Unilateral means Uganda Airlines will not be able to sell Emirates routes yet as the former is a new entrant. Since Uganda Airlines is new, it takes time for some airlines to open up fully,” a source said.

    It has also been established that the agreement between Uganda Airlines and Qatar Airways will be a bilateral one where both airlines will sell each other routes.

    However, for KLM, discussions are still at infant stages but with the intention of signing a bilateral agreement. “The final decision whether unilateral or bilateral depends on the other airline (KLM),” a credible source revealed.

    Meaning of these agreements

    For Unilateral agreements, sources say, Emirates will feed passengers into Uganda Airline routes out of Entebbe and Dubai.

    “For Bilateral, we shall market each other and sell routes that each Airline operates,” an inside source said, adding: “They will connect our clients worldwide, feed into their other destinations beyond their hub Airports and their destinations where we do not fly to at the moment.”

    The agreements also mean wider market visibility of Uganda products in Africa, America, the far East, Australia and other parts of Europe.

    It will also give a bigger global tourism reach for Uganda, a source said. The agreements will also mean network growth for the nascent Uganda Airlines.

    “In simple terms, these agreements mean increased passenger numbers on our flights,” a source said, adding that this will boost the airline’s revenues.

    Other partnerships

    Uganda Airlines has other key partnerships including bilateral Interline E-Ticketing (IET) agreements with Hahn Air and APG which are used as plating carriers in markets where Uganda Airlines is not active on BSP (Billing and Settlement Plan).

    Sources say Uganda Airlines is also “in the process of signing the Multilateral interline Traffic Agreement (MITA) as it’s a prerequisite from some Global Airlines before they can sign with the national carrier and this will enable the Airline to sell on any airline which is a member of MITA and vice versa.”

    For IATA (International Air Transport Association) full Membership, sources say Uganda Airlines needs IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) registration, an administrative review by the Membership Department and payment of all applicable fees and dues.

    ]]>Prosecutors angered by increased government neglect during covid-19 lockdown Sun, 25 Jul 2021 17:27:38 +0000 under their umbrella, the Uganda Association of Prosecutors have decried increased neglect by the Government of Uganda during the Covid-19 lockdown.

    The Prosecutors raised the concerns through a statement by the Association to the public.

    Prosecutors are government lawyers also referred to as State Attorneys that represent the State on conducting criminal investigations and prosecutions at police and court respectively. The ODPP is an independent institution similar to the IGG but is responsible for all criminal prosecutions in the country under article 120 of the constitution.

    “As frontline workers in the Justice Law and order sector, we express our disappointment over government’s oversight in catering for prosecutors in the Covid 19 supplementary budget,” notes part of the letter.

    The prosecutors are worried that even when they have heard several cases of Covid 19 at the Head office and the several outposts in the country, no one has come out to recognize their relevancy in the country’s budgeting processes.

    “In the past months, we regrettably lost Omyulo Isaac, the state prosecutor in Mbale. UAP calls upon the top officials in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions to address the issue of covering risks for our members who are exposed to Covid 19,” part of the document reads.

    The attorneys claim, unlike the other stakeholders in the Justice Law and Order sector including the Police, Prisons and, the Judiciary who have been catered for in the previous Covid supplementary budgets, the prosecutors have never been,  although they are frontline workers in their sector.

    “To make matters worse, there have been further budget cuts in the quarterly release of the new financial year. This has significantly impacted on the delivery of the Criminal Justice in the country.” The statement reads.

    The neglect comes years after they demanded a salary increment which was never honored by the Head of State, Judiciary and Government.

    In 2017, then President of the Uganda Association of Prosecutors David Baxter Bakibinga led a month-long strike demanding a salary increase for all prosecutors, Senior Prosecutors and the resident State Attorneys across the country.

    Government never honored the demands from the team ordering all to return to their duties until the government finds money to improve their pay.

    ]]>SHOCKING! Russian company hired to install digital trackers in all vehicles in Uganda filed for bankruptcy last year Sun, 25 Jul 2021 13:05:15 +0000 stock Global Security Company, a Russian firm which has been hired to install high tech digital tracking devices in all vehicles and motorcycles in Uganda filed for bankruptcy last year, according to information making rounds on different media outlets.

    Joint Stock Global Security Company registered as a small business of 10 employees in 2013 and the firm returns for last year were 637,742 russian rubles equivalent to USD8,000.

    Joint Stock Company Global Security was sued by LLC “Rus Prom-Technologies”, another Russian company that wants it declared bankrupt. The case was filed in the Arbitration Court of City of Moscow on September 17th 2020 and accepted on October 20th 2021.

    “On September 17, 2020, the Moscow Arbitration Court received an application from Rus-Prom-Technology on the recognition as insolvent (bankrupt) of JSC Global Security,” a ruling by the Arbitration Court of City of Moscow dated 20th October 2020 says. “Having considered the received application and the documents attached to it, the court considers them sufficient for the acceptance of the application for hearing.”

    Though the case was accepted for hearing, the hearing sessions have been postponed several times as Global Security fight to pay the debt its owes Rus-Prom-Technology.

    In another case filed in March 2019, Rus-Prom-Technology had sued Global Security for failure to pay 16.6 million rubles (Russia currency) which is about $220,000. Rus-Prom-Technology won the case.

    After winning the case, Rus-Prom-Technology proceeded to file case in which it wants Global Security declared bankrupt. For Global Security to fight off bankruptcy, court has ordered it to pay Rus-Prom-Technology.

    Global Security has also been sued by Limited Liability Partnership “Orken Alem” for a debt of 8.5 million rubles and Gu Main Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for failure to pay 10,000 rubles (about $135) and 455,00 rubles (about $600). All these cases were filed between 2019 and July 2021.

    After eyeing a lucrative deal in Uganda, the company registered again on the 10th of this month as a Small Medium Enterprise (SME) in Russia. Meanwhile, the tech company doesn’t even own a digital website.

    On Friday, Uganda signed a contract with Joint Stock Global Security Company to provide digital trackers to all vehicles in the country.

    At a ceremony held at the Office of the President in Kampala, Waiswa Bageya the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Works and Transport and Yunus Kakande his counterpart in the office of the President signed on behalf of the government while Ivan Sukraban, the Chief Executive Officer of Joint Stock Company, a Russian digital security company signed on its behalf.

    According to Kakande, the President instituted an inter-ministerial committee that for the last four months has been working on identifying and the right company to carry out the task.

    Kakande said that President Yoweri Museveni directed that all vehicles and motorcycles be fitted with tracking devices to help deal with criminals who he said use vehicles and motorcycles to kill people and then disappear without a trace. Museveni made similar comments in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on the life of Gen Edward Katumba Wamala in June.

    Kakande said that the Russian company is going to run the project for two years and recoup their investment and then hand it over to the government of Uganda to manage.

    Speaking at the same ceremony, Maj Gen. Jim Muhwezi the Minister of Security who witnessed the signing of the contract assured the country that the only purpose for which the government is going to track vehicles is to deal with insecurity. He added that they have no intention of interfering in the privacy of citizens. When challenged on the law they are basing on Muhwezi said whatever they are doing was embraced by government technocrats like the Solicitor General.

    He added that those who believe that the government is acting outside the law, have the right to challenge it in court.

    On when the project is expected to start and how much money car and motorcycle owners are going to be paying, Muhwezi said the committee will be deciding on these details in the coming days.

    “The investor is going to come on the ground to establish centres in the different parts of the country working with Luwero Industries to start and then the public will be informed when each vehicle will be called to be registered to get new number plates with monitoring systems.

    The payment will also be communicated because always registration of vehicles is not free of charge; anybody who owns a vehicle will meet that charge,” Muhwezi said.


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