SA trial patiently lays traps to trick feral deer into pens

Limestone Coast landholders have been closely watching trials for a potential new way of controlling feral deer â€" large traps.

Key points:
  • Large-scale deer traps are being trialled in three areas in South Australia
  • The traps are left open for the deer to become familiar with them, then switched to a 'one-way' enclosure
  • A Blackford landholder says he has "a lot of faith" in the project as a viable option for feral deer control
  • Three traps were set up in South Australia at the start of the year, in the Clare Valley, Fleurieu Peninsula, and Limestone Coast.

    Cameras have allowed landholders and researchers to monitor the amount of feral deer passing through the traps, which are left open until a significant herd is gathered inside.

    Livestock SA project manager Pene Keynes said it was a "waiting game".

    "The deer trap gate is kept open, so the deer familiarise themselves with it," Ms Keynes said.

    "[There are] some wings on those traps to bring deer into those areas.

    "And there's some monitoring cameras also on those traps to be able to see what's coming in and out of that area." 

    A series of fences and gates making an enclosure, trees and bushland behindA series of fences and gates making an enclosure, trees and bushland behind The trap is a large enclosed space with water and feed.(

    Supplied: Pene Keynes


    It was similar to a program trialled in northern New South Wales, where the traps are left open for deer to wander in and out of. 

    Ms Keynes said they have learnt a lot about deer behaviour over the past six months.

    "We were expecting that during the rut period [around April], we would see a lot of movement in and out of that trap, because that's a time when the deer are really active.

    But she said that was not the case.

    "We're now thinking that we're going to start seeing the deer come through when there's a bit more feed competition," she said.

    "We're thinking maybe towards the later end of this year, that we'll start seeing some more numbers go through those traps."

    A woman in a green jacket and long brown hair stands smiling at the camera with a paddock with cows behind herA woman in a green jacket and long brown hair stands smiling at the camera with a paddock with cows behind her Pene Keynes says Livestock SA has learnt lots about feral deer behaviour through monitoring the trap's cameras.(

    Supplied: Pene Keynes

    )Positive future

    Ms Keynes said the traps will remain in the landscape for the foreseeable future.

    "We will continue to monitor them and capture those learnings, and ideally to be able to trap something in the future.

    A group of farmers standing with their back to the camera, looking at an empty enclosureA group of farmers standing with their back to the camera, looking at an empty enclosure Livestock SA, the Parawa Ag Bureau, Ag Excellence Alliance and the Department of Primary Industries and Regions received a $50,000 grant to run workshops to display the traps to landholders.(

    Supplied: Pene Keynes


    She said the future for the traps as a viable method for controlling feral deer was positive.

    "From all the discussions that we've had, and learnings about deer behaviour, we think that it's likely that there will be some success into the future," Ms Keynes said.

    "As those traps remain in the landscape, the deer will become more familiar with them.

    "The smells will really encourage them in there and [we're] looking at different ways to lure them in there."

    Find more local newsLandholders watching closely

    Ms Keynes said the large-scale deer trap on the Limestone Coast cost about $17,000 to build.

    "It's not a cheap exercise," she said.

    "That's why this trial is really important â€" so producers can learn from our mistakes or our learnings to be able to know what they're investing in."

    Blackford landholder â€" north-east of Kingston South East â€" Brett McLaren said he was feeling positive about the traps.

    "The theory should work," Mr McLaren said.

    "It's in an area where they travel through quite frequently, it's just a matter of getting the animals used to the area.

    "They can wander in and out at their own leisure [at the start].

    "And once they get used to the facility being there, it can be set up so they can go in and can't come out."

    A night photo of a feral deer grazing next to a wire fenceA night photo of a feral deer grazing next to a wire fence Night vision cameras catch deer relaxed near the traps, that could be one way to control feral deer numbers. (

    Supplied: Pene Keynes


    He said it was a humane way of trying to control the deer.

    "It's quite a large area," Mr McLaren said.

    "There's water there for them, and feed, so they don't stress out while they're waiting their turn, as it were.

    "Through remote monitoring by cameras, [once] you get enough deer in there, you can go in and humanely put them down."

    Mr McLaren said the ideal outcome would be to have traps "in high-frequency areas where there can make the biggest impact."

    "Now, that might mean four or five in the district, or we might need seven or eight or 10 even.

    "If this system works, and you start bringing in high traffic areas where there are a lot of deer, that will certainly pay dividends

    "I've got a lot of faith, I think it will work."

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